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From Osaka, dall’Amb. Mario Vattani
“Italian know-how, Japanese expectations high”

Italian know-how, Japanese expectations high

(ANSA) – ROME, NOV 7 – The Italian Expo 2025 Pavilion has been officially presented in Osaka in the presence of Governor Yoshimura, Mayor Yokoyama and Expo Secretary General Ishige.

The Japanese have extremely high expectations of the Italian Pavilion, one of the few to already have the partnership of a Japanese construction company.
Vattani reminded the Japanese press that a call to become sponsors was launched a few days ago and that, given the close cooperation and historic friendship between Italy and Japan, the pavilion is ready to accept sponsorships from Japanese companies too. “Our pavilion’s permanent exhibition will be divided in three parts,” explained Vattani.
“Aerospace, a sector in which Italian-Japanese cooperation is already advanced, then infrastructure and cities, mobility, city planning.
“The third part will focus on the person, with the best examples of our technological development in the sector of life sciences, from home automation to robotics”.


a seguire è visionabile una libera traslazione del comunicato in lingua italiana
IL KNOW-HOW dell’Italia in Giappone –

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* Mario Andrea Vattani, classe 1966, a 25 anni ha iniziato la carriera diplomatica nel 1991 classificandosi primo del suo concorso; dopo una permanenza a Washington, è stato Console al Cairo, ad Osaka, Ambasciatore a Singapore e nel Brunei. Attualmente è Commissario Generale per l’Italia a Expo 2025 Osaka.
Musicista, Autore di libri di successo e di interessanti saggi si è aggiudicato importanti riconoscimenti e premi; sulla Consul-Press sono stati più volte recensiti alcuni suoi libri e pubblicata anche una sua intervista.
